Christian Gabriel C.

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Clear & Simple

My aim is to offer you a professional service without confusing you with technical jargon and I will make the whole process as simple and hassle free as I possibly can.
I will be working closely with you to create any infrastructure we will both be proud of and which will benefit your business for years to come.
Even after completion of a project I am always available for either extended support or for administrative purposes.
Read Further and get in touch if you want to be presented with some of the most original and reliable IT Solutions.

Get rid of confusion

The world of Information Technology can appear (and is) very complex. You only have to approach most of the IT Companies out there and get yourself numb by the terminology they are using, in order to impress you.
You are not an IT person yourself, but need an IT Solution. Why would you have to be fed terms like Exchange Server, Domain Controller, Active Directory, TCP/IP, domain name, e-commerce, search engine optimisation, CMS, DHCP or DNS?
The less you understand them, the more likely you are to be sold into getting an overpriced and unnecessary “solution”.

IT Consultant, You & Your Customers

Where does actually stand the IT Consultant related to your business?
Well, a simplified answer would be that the IT Consultant/Specialist is one of the few who is going to implement for you or your company the Solution which will get you closer to your customers, increase your performance, optimise your workplace, bring you more customers, or will actually allow you to operate at least as well – if not better – than your competitors.
IT Consultants are not just guys behind computers. They can apply technology to help many aspects of a business.

What you need is what you get

You will most likely want an IT Consultant who is able to deploy efficiently an infrastructure perfectly suited to your exact needs.
You would want him to be unbiased to any particular product (software or hardware) and – more importantly – put you above any other matters which may influence him into choosing something for you that may not suit best your particular circumstances.
Why should you be talked into committing for hardware, software or services which are going to cost you ten times more than you really need?


You will most likely want your IT Consultant to be cost efficient. Designing an infrastructure which is going to cost you an arm and a leg when the same could be achieved with much lower costs, is something many do since they don’t put your interest at heart first.
Do consider carefully before you decide to go for an expensive solution suggested to you by someone who is not that much after having you satisfied as much as ripped off.


Clients First

A genuine IT Consultant will seek long term satisfied clients rather than a quick profit, will deliver in time the right solution/infrastructure/modules and will keep in touch with you all along the stages of design, deployment, administration and support which you will be likely to need.

IT Infrastructure and Customisation

You may already have an existing infrastructure in place and you need someone to add, modify or administrate the whole or just some specific parts/modules.
It is the IT Infrastructure Engineer or the IT Systems Engineer who will advice you on all the IT needs you may be likely to have and he will be the one designing and deploying your infrastructure/solution.
He is also the one who you would be approaching for all your IT matters – at first probably still as a freelancer/external – until you can decide whether you can afford to have a permanent in house or outsourced IT person.
Regardless of how big your infrastructure is (or is going to be) – systems, servers, users or even a simple website – you are always very likely to need an IT Consultant. This is where I come in. Client satisfaction has always been a priority.